Next Step: Administrative/Leadership Openings

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Faculty Ombudspersons

The Dietrich School welcomes nominations and applications for three faculty ombudsperson positions across the School. Faculty ombudspersons will be part of a new Dietrich School Ombuds office that will serve faculty, staff, postdocs, and graduate students. The goal of the Ombuds office is to foster a positive working environment in which all Dietrich and CGS members are treated with kindness, empathy, and respect, and to contribute to an environment in which all community members receive fair and equitable treatment. The Ombuds office will initially be staffed by a full-time director/staff ombudsperson, a graduate student ombudsperson and three faculty ombudspersons, one from each Dietrich School division.
The position requires a commitment equivalent to approximately one day per week during the academic year and a reduced effort during the summer term. Expected responsibilities are outlined below, with adjustments possible as the position evolves.

Expected responsibilities:

  • Participate in ombuds training
  • Become familiar with policies and procedures from the Dietrich School and the University
  • Provide confidential, informal, impartial, and independent assistance with resolving conflicts and navigating difficult situations/relationships to faculty, postdocs, and graduate students from the Dietrich School and CGS
  • Maintain membership in the International Ombuds Association
  • Attend the annual meeting of the International Ombuds Association
  • Engage in continuing ombuds education courses as appropriate

All full-time TTS and AS faculty at the associate level or above are eligible to apply. Applications, nominations, and inquiries should be directed to by August 16, 2024, for priority consideration. Nominations are encouraged, and nominees will be contacted about their interest and invited to apply. Applicants should include a current CV and a brief (max 2 page) letter of interest that describes their relevant experience and interest in the position(s). Appointments will be for an initial period of one year, with the possibility of renewal.  Anticipated start date is September 15, 2024.