Forge Your Own Path
The “Study Abroad Junkie” ECON Major
- Intro: HIST 0700 World History
- State Actors: ENGLIT 0618 War
- Nonstate Actors: ECON 0530 Development Economics
- Global Voices: ARTSC 1508 Study Abroad Brazil
- Practitioner Skills: PORT 5th semester
- Additional Global Voices: ARTSC 1710 Pitt in Scotland
- Additional Nonstate Actors: SOC 0352 Social Movements
The “Maximum Languages” BIOSC Major
- Intro: ANTH 0780 Intro to Cultural Anthropology
- State Actors: PS 1509 Conflict and War Theory
- Nonstate Actors: SOC 0473 Globalization and Health
- Global Voices: JPNSE 4th semester
- Practitioner Skills: KOREAN 6th semester
- Additional Global Voices: VIE 4th semester
- Additional Practitioner Skills: FR 6th semester
The “State Department Bound” ENGWRT Major
- Intro: PS 0500 International Relations
- State Actors: PS 1511 American Foreign Policy
- Nonstate Actors: SOC 1319 Immigration
- Global Voices: RUSS 0590 Formative Masterpieces
- Practitioner Skills: RUSS 6th semester
- Additional Nonstate Actors: PS 1503 International Organizations
- Additional Practitioner Skills: ENGCMP 0400 Written Professional Communication
The “Think Tank or Nonprofit” PS Major
- Intro: PS 0500 International Relations
- State Actors: HIST 0187 World War II – Europe
- Nonstate Actors: URBNST 1708 World Urban Patterns
- Global Voices: HAA 0010 Intro to World Art
- Practitioner Skills: ENGCMP 1400 Grant Writing
- Additional Nonstate Actors: ECON 0110 Introduction to Macroeconomics
- Additional Practitioner Skills: ECON 0150 Economic Data Analysis
The “Additional French” FR Major
- Intro: HIST 0700 World History
- State Actors: HIST 0187 World War II – Europe
- Nonstate Actors: SOC 1445 Society and the Environment
- Global Voices: ARTSC 1687 Pitt in Versailles
- Practitioner Skills: ENGCMP 0610 Composing Digital Media
- Additional Nonstate Actors: HIST 1060 Global History of Piracy
- Additional Global Voices: FR 1503 Global French