Jane Bilewicz Allred (A&S ’71) has been named the inaugural recipient of the Kenneth P. Dietrich School of Arts and Sciences Distinguished Alumni Award. This award deservedly recognizes her exceptional professional accomplishments and dedication to the University of Pittsburgh and Dietrich School of Arts and Sciences.
The Dietrich School is immensely fortunate to benefit from her leadership and service as a member of the Dietrich School Board of Visitors, which is only one of her many University affiliations. Jane is completing her two year term (2012-2014) as president of the Pitt Alumni Association. She currently serves as a community representative, Institutional Advancement Committee; member, Transition Team for the new Chancellor; and volunteer, Pitt Career Network. An Alumni Association Life Member, she also served on the association’s board of directors as a director at large for the 2008-10 term. In addition, she is a past Pitt Alumni Recruitment Team (PART) Volunteer and Arizona Pitt Club member.
An acknowledged authority on supply-chain logistics and emerging Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology, Jane is an independent marketing consultant focusing on marketing plans, digital strategies for lead generation, and brand development. She is founder and served as president of Allred Marketing, Inc., a business-to-business technology-marketing firm in Phoenix that was sold in 2004. She produced the RFID Knowledge Center for the Material Handling Industry of America, gaining national recognition for her efforts. In 2005, Jane joined Brighton Agency, Inc., as a senior vice president, where she was responsible for advanced technology business development, working primarily with Brighton’s digital division to build lead-enabled client Web sites and advanced search-engine optimization and marketing programs.
Jane will be honored at the May 16 Pitt Alumni Association Awards Gala.