JC Bardzil, a technical director in the Department of Theatre Arts in the Dietrich School has been announced as the recipient of the 2024 Orosz Award for Excellence in Emerging Leadership.
From the announcement:
“Those who nominated Bardzil emphasized his collaborative nature, commitment to excellence, and mentoring of students and other staff. Even during a staff shortage this year, JC led efforts to build an inclusive community. One nominator described ‘the language and engagement he uses in shop hours with students is clear, calm, and engaging – with a constant sense of humor that makes challenges feel surmountable and gives the work at hand levity through his guidance.’”
For staff to be nominated for the Orosz Award, they must have worked at the University of Pittsburgh for less than 5 years and specifically in the Dietrich School of Arts and Sciences/College of General Studies for at least one full year but not more than five years. They should show strong leadership among their peers and perform their duties with a high degree of excellence.
The award is given in honor of Michael Orosz, a long-time staff member who served in the Department of Biological Sciences and who passed away unexpectedly in 2003. Mike’s family generously donated funds to establish an endowment in his name to recognize staff excellence in performing their jobs.
You can also read more about JC Barzdil on PittWire.