Kennedy Center American College Theatre Festival Begins Today at Pitt

The Kennedy Center American College Theatre Festival (KCACTF) is being hosted at Pitt, starting today, January 14, and will continue through to the 17. It will feature the Pitt Stages 2024-2025 production, The Inseparables.

The KCACTF is a national theatre festival that tours across the country to promote collegiate theatrical productions, provide professional workshops, and celebrate students’ works. Not only was Pitt chosen as the host, but it was also chosen to perform a show, which is not always guaranteed. All the Theatre Arts Production team members will be involved in the festival which will include multiple professional workshops.

This prestigious honor not only reflects the hard work, capabilities, and talent of the Department of Theatre Arts, but it also includes many of our other departments as multiple students involved in the productions are not majoring or minoring in Theatre Arts. Several students involved in The Inseparables are majoring in Clinical Psychology, Architectural Studies, Business Analytics, Professional Communications, Marketing, Molecular Biology, Linguistics, and Neuroscience, just to name a few. One such student, Tamanna Kahn is a Political Science Major but has many directing credits with Pitt Stages. She is also one of six student directors participating in the Stage Directors and Choreographers Intensive (SDC). Through the workshops, she will direct a short play titled Arbor Falls, with a student cast from Pitt that will be presented at the end of the week.

The Dietrich School is thrilled to have the Department of Theatre Arts representing our school at the festival. Many congrats to all of the participants!