Appropriately enough, “The Return of Benjamin Lay,” a one-man show that debuted on a London stage in June 2023, will soon deliver Lay’s unique spirit and humanistic vision to the state where he first shared it. The Quantum Theatre production will run Jan. 31 through Feb. 23, at Braddock Carnegie Library, 419 Library Road, in Braddock.
In collaboration with Pitt’s Department of History and the University Library System, Quantum Theatre will host the Pitt community for an exhibit and panel discussion on Lay’s life and mission from 4:30 to 6 p.m. Jan. 23 in Hillman Library’s Archives & Special Collections Instruction Room.
A reception will follow the forum, whose panelists include Naomi Wallace and Marcus Rediker, co-authors of “The Return of Benjamin Lay”; its director, Ron Daniels; actor Mark Povinelli, and Quantum Theatre’s Artistic Director Karla Boos. Panelists will be introduced by Kornelia Tancheva, director of the University Library System.
You can read the full story on the University Times.