Proposals for New and Modified Majors and Degree Programs

Proposals for new or substantially modified majors or degree programs within the Dietrich School of Arts and Sciences should follow the following sequence:

  • The proposal is then reviewed within the relevant department(s). If the department(s) recommend(s) approve of the proposal, it is referred to the appropriate Dietrich School Committee.
  • Proposals for new undergraduate majors and degree programs must be reviewed by Dietrich School Undergraduate Council (Dietrich School-UC). Proposals for new graduate majors and degree programs must be reviewed by Dietrich School Graduate Council (Dietrich School-GC). Dietrich School-UC or Dietrich School-GC have the opportunity to recommend revisions.
  • Dietrich School-UC and Dietrich School-GC report their actions to Arts and Sciences Council.
  • Proposals that have been approved by Dietrich School-UC or Dietrich School-GC and accepted by Dietrich School Council are then referred to Dietrich School-PBC if there are budgetary implications. Once approved within Dietrich School, the Dietrich School Dean submits the proposal to the Provost's Office, outlining his or her recommendation.
  • Within the Provost's Office, proposals relating to graduate matters normally go to the University Council on Graduate Study (UCGS), and those involving undergraduate matters go to the Provost's Advisory Committee on Undergraduate Programs (PACUP). In some cases they will be reviewed by or reported to the University Planning and Budgeting Committee (UPBC).