TAs and TFs as Teachers

TA/TFs as Teachers

Compensation for TA/TFs is composed of two distinct parts: (1) payment for instructional services and (2) payment in support of graduate studies. For accounting purposes, the division of these parts is equal, and one-half of TA/TF stipends is taken as payment for instructional services and one-half is graduate student support.

Graduate students who have been awarded a TA/TF may be assigned additional teaching responsibilities on an overload basis, only with the explicit approval of the Associate Dean for Graduate Studies and Research. If approved, payment for a "full" overload (i.e., equivalent to a regular TA/TF teaching assignment) should be reckoned at one-half of the current TA/TF stipend. That is, the overload payment is compensation for instructional services only, and does not include support for graduate study.

If a graduate student teaches on a part-time basis (not linked to a TA/TF award), they should be compensated at an appropriate rate, which is consistent with the rate that would be paid by the department to other part-time instructors of comparable qualification and experience.