Annual Reports

The Office of Sponsored Programs and your post-award administrator are here to help with your project’s required progress reporting. Most sponsors, both federal and non-federal, require interim progress reporting. We give a general overview below of the process and a list of the interim reporting requirements for the most common federal sponsors in the Dietrich School. 

Reporting Process Overview

  • You may submit many progress reports directly through your sponsor’s online portal ( for NSF, PAMS for DOE, etc.) 
  •  Others may only be transmitted by OSP (most notably, all NIH progress reports).  Progress reports requiring submission or official sign-off by the Office of Sponsored Programs may be accompanied by a Continuation proposal in PERIS, and as with standard funding proposals, PI Certification is required.
  • Your post-award administrator can help you with many of the non-technical portions of annual progress reports. They will also coordinate the submission of materials in PERIS for reports requiring sign-off by the Office of Sponsored Programs.

Annual Progress Report Due Dates for Federal Grants

  • National Institutes of Health: 45 days prior to the start date of the next budget period
  • National Science Foundation:  90 days prior to the end of the current budget period
  • Department of Energy:  90 days prior to the anniversary of the award start date
  • Army Research Office:  August 30th of each year during the period of performance
  • Office of Naval Research:  June 15th of each year during the period of performance
  • Air Force Office of Scientific Research:  On or before the anniversary of the award start date in each year of the period of performance
  • National Aeronautics and Space Administration:  60 days prior to the anniversary of the award start date

*Note: Contracts, Cooperative Agreements, and Other Transaction Agreements (OTAs) may vary from this list.  Also, some awards from the Department of Defense Agencies and offices within the Department of Energy may require quarterly progress reports.