Grant Writing Services

Our grant writing team is available to assist faculty, staff, and students across the Kenneth P. Dietrich School of Arts and Sciences and the College of General Studies with brainstorming, writing, editing, and reviewing grant proposal documents before, during, or after the application process. We specialize in:

  • Enhancing proposals by providing feedback on writing style, assisting with logical organization and clear presentation of ideas, and helping to ensure that the funding organization can understand both the importance of the work being done and also the significant and unique talents, resources, and skills that our teams at Pitt bring to their proposals;
  • Analyzing funding opportunities, RFPs, and funding organizations to help determine what their interests and expectations are and providing guidance on how to best align your ideas and research with funding opportunities;
  • Coordinating projects involving multiple PIs and/or departments, maintaining a clear timeline and checklists of necessary components;
  • Assessing reviewer feedback and providing relevant revisions;
  • Proofreading, editing, and formatting proposal documents to provided specifications, for example, to meet word or page limits; 
  • Drafting or outlining non-technical components of proposals, for example, letters of commitment and descriptions of university programs or policies;
  • Reviewing technical components of proposals to create summaries or descriptions that are accessible and engaging to non-expert readers. 

If you are interested in working with a grant writer, please contact both of the grant writers below with your request. It is best to connect with us well in advance of deadlines so that we can familiarize ourselves with both your research and the funding organization to provide meaningful assistance; however, we understand that this isn’t always possible, and we will do our best to assist you regardless.

Contact Us

Patricia Decker,

Jacki Weaver,