Happy Halloween: The Dietrich School Zombie Survival Guide

It’s two in the afternoon, you’re starting to feel that after-lunch sleepiness when suddenly sirens go off and the Cathedral is thrown into chaos. A day you thought was only reserved for fiction has arrived: it’s a zombie apocalypse, and it’s time to use your brain before your brain gets used.

I contacted a few professors in the Dietrich School for their expertise on how to survive a horde of cranium-hungry, infectious, zombies.


This is the Dietrich School Zombie Survival Guide


Did You Know at Dietrich: The Pittsburgh Water Collaboratory

Did you know Pitt is home to the Pittsburgh Water Collaboratory? The Collaboratory was started in 2017 by faculty members from the Dietrich School’s Geology and Environmental Science Department. In 2018 they were granted funding by the Heinz Endowment and have been leading research and outreach efforts throughout the region. They are aiming to bridge efforts in water research, government, and taking action with sustainability.