Dietrich School Council for AY 2024-25
The Dietrich School of Arts and Sciences Council oversees the Dietrich School Graduate Council and the Dietrich School Undergraduate Council, elects the Faculty Grants Committee and other committees whose work pertains to the full faculty, and acts for the Dietrich School of Arts and Sciences in intervals between full faculty meetings.
- Adam Leibovich, Dean
Vice Chair
- Jonathan Woon, Associate Dean, Graduate Studies
Elected T/TS Faculty Members
- Drew Armstrong, History of Art and Architecture (Humanities) (term expires 2025)
- Jon Johnson, Neuroscience (Natural Sciences) (term expires 2025)
- Laura Lovett, History (Social Sciences) (term expires 2025)
- Jennifer Waldron, English (Humanities) (term expires 2026)
- Brian Stewart, Geology and Environmental Science (Natural Sciences) (term expires 2026)
- Robin Brooks, Africana Studies (Social Sciences) (term expires 2026)
- Caro Pirri (Humanities) (term expires 2027)
- Satish Iyengar ( (Natural Sciences) (term expires 2027)
- José Cheibub (Social Sciences) (term expires 2027)
Elected AS Faculty Members
- Chiara Montera, French & Italian (Humanities) (term expires 2027)
- Russell Clark, Physics and Astronomy (Natural Sciences) (term expires 2025)
- Liann Tsoukas, History (Social Sciences) (term expires 2026)
Divisional Chair Representatives
- Adam Shear, Religious Studies (Humanities) (term expires 2025)
- Yu Cheng, Statistics (Natural Sciences) (term expires 2025)
- Margaret Judd, Anthropology (Social Sciences) (term expires 2025)
Dietrich School GSO Representatives
- Claire McLean, Linguistics (term expires 2025)
- Laura Beghini Chelidonopoulos, Political Science (term expires 2025)
Dietrich School SGB Representatives
- Mercy Akanmu (term expires 2025)
- Sophia Chebli (term expires 2025)
Dean’s Office Personnel
- Todd Reeser, Associate Dean, Faculty Affairs
- Adriana Helbig, Associate Dean for Undergraduate Studies and CGS
- Hannah Johnson, Associate Dean, Research and Faculty Recruitment
- Natasha Tokowicz, Associate Dean, Equity, Faculty Development, and Community Engagement
- Jessica Hatherill, Executive Director for Administration
- Derek Fischer, Senior Director, Undergraduate Studies and the CGS
- Maryellen Gannon, Director, Executive Operations
- Emma Wallace-Potts, Administrative Coordinator
Dietrich School Council consists of:
- the Dean of the Dietrich School of Arts and Sciences and the College of General Studies (who shall preside)
- the Associate Dean for Research and Faculty Recruitment
- the Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs
- nine (9) elected T/TS Faculty members, with three (3) members from each division and no more than one member from any one department, who shall NOT be departmental chairpersons
- three (3) elected AS Faculty members, with one member from each division
- one Department Chair representative from each of the Divisions
- two (2) Dietrich School undergraduate students appointed by the SGB
- two (2) graduate students appointed by the Dietrich School GSO
The Associate Dean for Graduate Studies and the Associate Dean for Undergraduate Studies and the College of General Studies also attend the meetings, even though they are not officially on the Dietrich School Council according to the Bylaws.