This site is dedicated to supporting all appointment stream faculty in the Dietrich School. If you need additional information or have a resource to share, please contact the Dietrich School Faculty Affairs office.
University Policy Development and Management
The Policy Office administers the policy development process, manages policy publications and catalogs, and advises on policy-related inquiries and education. On this site, you can find a complete repository of current university policies and supporting documents.
Provost Office of Faculty Affairs, Development, and Diversity
The Office of Faculty Affairs oversees the application of faculty policies and guidelines, including those related to faculty personnel actions and faculty appointments, promotions, and conferral of tenure, as well as appeals and grievances. This office also maintains the Faculty Handbook, oversees and monitors the faculty annual review process, and administers the transition to retirement and emeritus processes.
Pitt Faculty Handbook
University faculty and academic policies, faculty compensation and benefits, and academic resources and services
Benefits Eligibility Guide
The University, with the aid of University Senate committees, task forces, and working groups, endeavors to provide a comprehensive program of benefits and services to meet the needs of the faculty. Faculty and staff can take part in our education benefits, review retiree benefits packages, and explore health and wellness options. Pitt's benefits offerings are among the region's best, including top-notch medical plans, tuition remission, life insurance, optional dental and vision coverage, a contributory retirement plan, and more.
Faculty Medical and Family Leave (FMFL)
The University of Pittsburgh provides a Faculty Medical and Family Leave (FMFL) of absence for faculty for medical (including pregnancy and childbirth), parental, and other family care purposes. The goal of the policy is to assist faculty members in balancing the demands of the workplace with family obligations and to establish equitable practices across the diverse departments, schools, and campuses of the University.
Faculty and Staff Wellness Programs
Transition to Retirement
Official retirement status from the University of Pittsburgh carries with it certain insurance and other benefits. Refer to Preparation for Retirement AC 51 (formerly 02-08-01), Benefits and Privileges of Retired Faculty AC 08 (formerly 02-08-02), and the Faculty Handbook for detailed information about faculty retirement.
Dietrich School Leadership roles and responsibilities
Dietrich School Bylaws
Jurisdiction, membership and meetings, permanent councils, communication, amendment of bylaws, and parliamentary authority
Dietrich School Gazette
Formal record of council activity, faculty personnel actions, faculty meeting announcements, and faculty grants competition announcements.
Dietrich School Faculty Policies & Resources
The Dietrich School's world-class faculty members have a tradition of excellence in research, teaching, and mentoring. Resources found at the link below support faculty in their ongoing mastery of their disciplines and their continuing professional development.
Dietrich School Bylaws
Jurisdiction, membership and meetings, permanent councils, communication, amendment of bylaws, and parliamentary authority
Dietrich School Appointment-Stream Faculty Criteria for Appointment and Promotion
In accordance with the requirements of the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA), the Deitrich School implemented criteria for appointment and promotion in the appointment stream tracks.
Dietrich School Criteria for Appointment Stream Reappointment
In accordance with the requirements of the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA), there are several situations in which presumptive renewal of a contract does not apply. The Dietrich School implemented guidelines for faculty not covered by presumptive renewal.
Dietrich School Criteria for Non-renewal of Appointment Stream Contract
In accordance with the requirements of the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA), the Dietrich School has developed and implemented guidelines for situations in which an appointment stream contract may not be renewed.
Compensation of Part-Time Faculty
Annual event offered by the Office of the Provost for full-time faculty members.
Provost’s Faculty Workshops and Orientations
Provost’s Diversity Institute for Faculty Development (Workshop series)
Center for Mentoring (UCTL)
Will serve as a central resource to support professional excellence by encouraging growth and development of faculty as teachers and scholars
Provost’s Advisory Committee for Women’s Concerns (PACWC) Mentoring
The University of Pittsburgh offers a wide variety of resources, programs, and initiatives to support students, postdocs, faculty and staff who identify as women. Additional recommendations from outside organizations and institutions are also included.
National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity (NCFDD)
On-demand access to mentoring tools and support you need to be successful.
Guidelines for Evaluating Faculty Teaching
Peer evaluation of teaching plays an important and integral role in developing faculty teaching methodologies and pedagogy. General guidelines for conducting peer evaluations are provided by the Dietrich School. Departments and units may use this guide as provided or adapt it to create evaluation methods specific to the discipline.
Chancellor’s Distinguished Public Service and Teaching Awards
The University of Pittsburgh strives to recognize the efforts and achievements of its faculty. The Provost's Award for Excellence in Doctoral Mentoring; the Chancellor's Distinguished Awards for Research, Public Service and Teaching; the Diversity in the Curriculum Awards; and others all promote excellence and innovation across the breadth of the University's faculty.
Dietrich School Teaching and Service Awards
Faculty members are frequently recognized for their outstanding accomplishments in research, teaching, and mentoring. Learn more about past honorees and the processes and criteria for nominating colleagues for future recognition.>/p>
University Center for Teaching and Learning
Comprehensive resources and support for teaching, classroom services, workshops, mentoring, course surveys, educational software consulting, testing services, faculty learning communities etc.
Technology Training
Resources to help University students, faculty, and staff become more proficient with computing resources and applications to facilitate academic and job productivity.
Student Affairs Counseling Services
Support for students in distress, Crisis hotline, individual and group counseling, Psychiatric . Also see
Disability Resources and Services
Support students with disabilities with accommodations.
Dietrich School Teaching Support
Teaching excellence is central to the mission of the Kenneth P. Dietrich School of Arts and Sciences. To that end, we have assembled a list of resources to support the continued success of our faculty members.
Dietrich School Undergraduate Advising Center
Advisors help undeclared students to explore academic and career goals, understand policies and procedures, and get connected to University resources. The Advising Center works closely with departmental advisors who advise students once they have declared a major.
Discipline-Based Science Educations Research Center (dB-SERC)
Dedicated to promoting and supporting evidence-based practices to bridge the gap between teaching and learning.
Center for Integrating Research, Teaching, and Learning (Pitt-CIRTL)
Based in Engineering and open to all faculty, the Center enhances excellence in undergraduate education through STEM evidence-based teaching practices.
Innovation in Education Awards
Provost’s Advisory Council on Instructional Excellence funds projects that enhance teaching at Pitt and foster new instructional approaches
Dietrich School programs for First-Year Students
Help students get the most out of their first-year journeys.
Dietrich School Office of Undergraduate Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activity (OUR)
Work with students to help them grow as researchers and creative thinkers.
Request for Discretionary Funds
Funding from Dietrich School for curricular initiatives (PDF)
Speaking in the Disciplines
Promotes and supports the teaching, development, and pedagogical use of student oral communication skills in all disciplines across the Dietrich School
Administrative/leadership openings in the Dietrich School
Open Dietrich School leadership opportunities can be found at The Dietrich School governing bodies also have representatives from the Appointment Stream faculty: Dietrich School Council, Dietrich School Undergraduate Council, Dietrich School Planning and Budgeting Committee
Office of Engagement and Community Affairs
Pitt aspires to be a university that strengthens our communities. By volunteering--whether with your time, your energy, or your resources, we deepen our commitment as a partner in our region's progress and in how we can make a difference in the well-being of our neighbors. Help us carry out the institutional value of strengthening communities.