Professor in Department of Sociology Published in the International Journal of Sociology
Jessica Kim, an assistant professor in the Department of Sociology in the Dietrich School is a part of a research team that was published in the International Journal of Sociology at the beginning of November. The research, Inhibiting or Contributing?
Psychology Professor and Team of Researchers Published in Nature Human Behavior
Karina Schumann, an associate professor and social program chair of the Department of Psychology at the Dietrich School is part of a research team published in Nature Human Behavior. The research centers on how to trust experts again in a post-covid world.
Shannon Reed Featured on PBS's Studio2 Show
Shannon Reed, a teaching associate professor and Director of Undergraduate Studies Writing Program in the Dietrich School's Department of English was just featured on the PBS Program, Studio2.
Claire Ebert Interviewed by AP News
Claire Ebert, and assistant professor in the Department of Anthropology, was featured in an AP article on the discovery of 4,000-year-old Mayan Canals. Ebert was not a part of the discovery but was interviewed for her expertise in archaeology.
Jackie Smith Interviewed by Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Jackie Smith, a professor in the Dietrich School’s Department of Sociology, was interviewed in the Pittsburgh-Post Gazette about probable rising mortgage rates under Donald Trump’s second term.
Jonathan Rubin and Research Team Published in PNAS
Jonathan Rubin, a professor in the Department of Mathematics is part of a research team that was recently published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS).
Peng Liu is unraveling new reactions — and new ways of working together
Publishing in Nature is a crowning achievement for any researcher, marking the kind of work that can make a career. Peng Liu and his students managed it twice earlier this year — in the same month.
Sam Woolley Featured in Several International Publications Focusing on the Election
Sam Woolley, the William S. Dietrich II Endowed Chair in Disinformation Studies and associate professor in the Department of Communication in the Dietrich School has been featured in several international publications recently.
Two Dietrich School Researchers Made Clarivate’s Annual Highly Cited List
Twenty-four University of Pittsburgh researchers have been named to this year’s Highly Cited Researchers list, an annual compilation of researchers whose work has made a significant impact across a broad range of disciplines.
Last year, 23 Pitt researchers were included.