
Karina Schumann Interviewd in Forbes Article

Karina Schumann, an associate professor of Psychology in the Dietrich School, was interviewed for an article in Forbes on Tuesday. The article “A Psychologist Explains Love’s ‘5:1 Ratio’—Key To Making Any Relationship Work” focuses on the 5:1, or magic ratio, method that was coined by renowned psychologist Dr. John Gottman. Schumann was asked to comment on the “Apologize and Forgive” portion of the method.

Pitt Researcher and Team Publish Findings on African Farming in the Kakapel Rockshelter

Steven Goldstein, an assistant professor in the Department of Anthropology in the Kenneth P. Dietrich School of Arts and Sciences, researchers at several other universities, and Dr. Emmanuel Ndiema, the head of earth sciences at the National Museums of Kenya, co-authored a new study published on July 10 in the Proceedings of the Royal Society B.

Mark Abbott was Interviewed for Post-Gazette Article on Climate Change in Pittsburgh

Mark Abbott, a professor in the Department of Geology and Environmental Science in the Dietrich School was interviewed for an article in the Post-Gazette that was published on Friday, June 21. The article, Expect heat waves in Pittsburgh to become more common, experts say, takes a look at how climate change is affecting Pittsburgh and causing a heatwave. You can read the full article here.